The platform built to help businesses achieve their goals and dreams.
405 Million in Credit Card Savings
1200+ Merchants trust in Strictly
16.2 Billion in processed volume
Our Mission
At Strictly, we're on a mission to revolutionize the payment industry by empowering merchants to turn credit card fees into a lucrative revenue stream. We believe that every business should have access to cutting-edge payment solutions that not only streamline transactions but also boost their bottom line.
Our innovative surcharging platform is designed to enable businesses to pass on the cost of card acceptance to end-users while staying in compliance with card association rules and state regulations. By helping merchants convert credit card fees into a revenue stream, we're disrupting the traditional payment model and driving innovation in the industry.
We pride ourselves on being at the forefront of payment technology and staying ahead of the regulatory landscape. Our team of experts has extensive experience in the payment space, and we're constantly exploring new ways to optimize payment flows and enhance user experience satisfaction.
At Strictly, we're committed to providing tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise with a national multi-location presence, we can create a turnkey platform that is easy to integrate into most enterprise-level B2B and B2C ERP systems.
Join us in disrupting the payment industry and taking your business to the next level. Let's convert credit card fees into a revenue stream and unlock new opportunities for growth and success.
Founded in 2019 in Miami, Florida.
Launched StrictlyZero Merchant App.
Opened office locations in Broward, Florida.
Signed first ISO, Prospay Inc.
Signed our first enterprise merchant.
Launched Payment Links, subscriptions and Invoices.
Launched StrictlyZero API.
Opened office locations in Tampa and Orlando.
Signed second ISO, Volt Merchant Services.
QR code, SMS and Partial Payments.
Launched Terminal APP and API with PAX devices.
Opened office locations in Orlando and Tallahassee.
Engaged with SecureMetrics for PCI DSS Level 1 Certification.
Opened office locations in Atlanta and Chicago.
First surcharge Platform in Canada.
Obtained PCI Level 1 Certification.
CDK Integration.
PAYA Integration.
Elavon Integration.
ACH Payments.
Participated in NADA Show in Vegas.
Participated in NADA Show in Dallas, Texas.
Participated in SEAA 2023 Show in Hollywood, Florida.
Dominion VUE (DMS) Integration.
Rebranded to Strictly.
PMS - Open Dental Integration.
Gateway Certified with Elavon with Surcharge and Level 2.
Participated in NADA Show in Las Vegas.
Participated in NEAA Annual Show at Albany, NY.
Gateway Certified with Elavon with Level 3 and 3DS (Fraud Prevention).
Crosscheck, PMS (Practice Management Software), EHRs (Electronic Health Record) and DTS Integration.
Participated in SEAA Show in New Orleans.
Request a demo with us today
Learn more about our about our platform. In just a few minutes we’ll help you understand your current statements and tell you how much you could save with our solution.